For questions or support, hit me up on Skype @ wildwestwikis
Wild West Wiki's
I've been messing with these beasts for a while now, honing down the process and tweaking it just right. For instance...
Below is an Adsense screen-cap of a site I hit with this method in late November 2011:

Again, here is a Rankings screen-cap of a somewhat new site that took a drip starting around mid-February 2012:

Now, of course, your mileage may vary depending upon the ceiling cap of your terms, your competition level, and all that jazz. But one thing is certain...
Everyone can use some juice, and everyone can use some anchor text diversity, which is part of the reason these sites survived and thrived in the recent SERP debacle.
This method is boasting the ability to handle an unlimited number of URLs and an unlimited number of anchor texts! So give me your money site homepage and get some super variation and link juice. Or give me the homepage and every inner page. Or heck, send me every page on 10 micro-niche sites. It doesn't matter. Spread it how you'd like! I'd personally keep them relevant to one another though, so that the articles make sense in context. There's no point in having a "How to Gain Beef-tacular Muscles" article linking to your "My Little Ponies Collection" website.
And take a close look at the Drip Sync Technology... automated, dripped, tiered link building... passive income for the win!
Take advantage of this easy solution to fix some of your anchor text issues. It's going to run forever!
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For questions or support, hit me up on Skype @ wildwestwikis
Review Opportunities:
Although I have 50+ iTraders here, I'm still going to offer a few review copies. Reviews will be of the Blasts Only. Choose either blast package.
1st Review: 70% Off!
2nd Review: 60% Off!
3rd Review: 50% Off!
After that, we are up to full price, so hop on it!
If you take a review, just post in the thread and I'll confirm it and contact you through PM. After that, everyone follow through with the form to place your order.