Alright, let’s get to it: SEO is growing up and if you’re not changing with it, you’re going to find yourself in trouble. Junk blasting zillions of blog comments to high-OBL pages that aren’t related to your niche just isn’t going to cut it anymore. You need quality, diversity and niche relevance now more than ever.
It doesn’t get any better than this; these are guest posts on real blogs in your niche. I’ll get out there and hand-research to find quality target blogs, negotiate with the blog owner to get your post(s) up, write the content and get it delivered. You do nothing but specify the keywords and the niche.
Benefits of purchasing this service from me:
- I write all of the content. I have a solid reputation for delivery and can write high-quality content on virtually every niche and topic. There’s no outsourcing, no foreigners, no pathetic excuse for English writing – just me. Check the iTrader if you need references. PLEASE NOTE: I can only speak (and therefore write) in ENGLISH.
- I source the guest blogs to post on. This means that you don’t have to worry about trying to find real blogs in your niche, sort out relationships with the bloggers, etc. It also means that my turnaround time won’t be 47 minutes after you order… at times it might take a few days to get these posts up. I can assure you it will be worth the wait.
- I screen all of the blogs for their value. I’m guaranteeing that I won’t drop your guest posts on to real blogs with a PageRank of less than 3 – unless you approve a lower PR blog first. I’ll also be checking the root Domain Authority, Page Authority, etc. to ensure quality.
- You get to specify the keywords / anchors and any author personas. In my experience, as long as the anchor text is reasonable and your site (the site being linked to) isn’t some disgusting mess there should be no problem getting these approved by the guest blog owner. If there are any issues, I will contact you to sort them out.
In essence, you’re getting “white hat” SEO without having to pay white hat prices.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: These guest posts are NOT going on to somebody’s “blog network”, or ALN/FBL/LA blogs. These posts will be submitted to REAL blogs which are open to having guest post content.
Pricing is $49 for each guest post, with a 10% discount if you prepay for a batch of 10. If you have larger needs than this or if you have SEO clients and want to work something recurring out, please let me know.
- You submit your order via the giant link right above this.
- I get in touch with you via Skype, email or phone to confirm that I have received your order and am placing it in the queue.
- Once your order comes up in the queue (0-2 days) I will send you an invoice via PayPal
- Once you pay the invoice, I will write up the content based on the specs you left in the order form. (Generally takes a couple of days)
- Once the content is finished, I will begin the process of finding and placing your content on someone's blog. (This can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks)
- Once I have secured a placement, I will let you know via Skype or Email.
- This cycle repeats until your order is finished!
The fine print:
1) Turnaround times are NOT guaranteed, but refunds will be issued if we go past the *21* day mark and I cannot close any placement(s) for your guest post(s).
2) No warez, no adult, no gambling (subject to change if I can find some good gambling blogs).
3) It sucks to have to say this, but you NEED a real site. Blog owners aren’t going to accept these guest posts if your website is a pile of crap, popping up a bunch of annoying content lockers or whatever.
4) There are *three* review copies, which will be given out according to the rules to the first three qualifying members that post up below.
5) Anything else? Shoot me a PM and I’ll be happy to answer.
Thanks and I look forward to working with you!
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