Welcome to our latest service brought to you by Big Bang Internet Marketing , this is our Blog Charge service where you give your website one gigantic surge of backlinks coming from 950+ IPs and blogs with page rank as well.
Our upgraded service gives you even more links because we have added EVEN more c-class ips to our network along with more domains.
This is an upgrade to our last thread.
With over 1300 IPs sending you backlinks, you can NOT go wrong with our blog charge!
1500 Blog Posts
We write the article.
3 Links Per Post
Article Spinning
We offer bulk discounts for 10 or more orders as well.
PM ME for more info
Our upgraded service gives you even more links because we have added EVEN more c-class ips to our network along with more domains.
This is an upgrade to our last thread.
With over 1300 IPs sending you backlinks, you can NOT go wrong with our blog charge!
- We write the article.
- Relevant article based on your keywords
- Article spun on ALL blogs
- 3 links per post - MULTIPLE KEYWORDS PER LINK
- All your links will be indexed by google
- Posted on blogs with PAGERANK ranging from pr0 to pr8
1500 Blog Posts
We write the article.
3 Links Per Post
Article Spinning
We offer bulk discounts for 10 or more orders as well.
PM ME for more info