1000+ Blog Posts - 950+ IPs - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE - CRAZY SERP RANKINGS!

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Apr 13, 2007
Rating - 100%
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Welcome to our latest service brought to you by Big Bang Internet Marketing , this is our Blog Charge service where you give your website one gigantic surge of backlinks coming from 700+ IPs and blogs with page rank as well.


  • We write the article.
  • Relevant article based on your keywords
  • Article spun on ALL blogs
  • 3 links per post - MULTIPLE KEYWORDS PER LINK
  • All your links will be indexed by google

1000 Blog Posts
We write the article.
3 Links Per Post
Article Spinning

PM ME for more info
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Do you allow pharmacy related sites?

Do you link to international sites e.g. german sites? I mean the article ofcourse in english but with a german keyword linking to a german site.

Pls PM me very interested! Send me some sample sites too
1. What kind of spinning do you do? Word level only or sentence + word?

2. Are all articles blasted out at once? Do you do drip-feeding?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lTXhZHXdQg]YouTube - Finance Niche BACKLINKS for SERPS!![/ame]

This video review, cmon' you can't be serious. I don't know if I should be laughing or what?
Uh, i wouldnt laugh at him, he has cancer and wanted to return the favor...:S

I am looking at his lips move, and then the commentary, and it just doesn't match up man. I'm sorry, but it looks like you ripped some video, and then just recorded audio over it.

I guess we'll have to see the review's, but definitely not a great way to promote your business.
I am looking at his lips move, and then the commentary, and it just doesn't match up man. I'm sorry, but it looks like you ripped some video, and then just recorded audio over it.

I guess we'll have to see the review's, but definitely not a great way to promote your business.

He did the best he could there, since hes a friend id rather keep it up there.

But yea, like the guy above said get a review from zingo so im doin that
Also I am interested and waiting for a review

I wonder why the thread's url is:


and you sell 800 Blog Posts from 700+ ips
If I can get a slight break on the price I'll do the buy 2 get 1 free and report back. :) PM me if this is possible.

Edit: After you confirm the above details about domains, etc. Or if I can get a free review and it's good, I'll buy the 2 + 1 free immediately after.
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