The "Review Thread" UPDATED 7-25-2012

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New member
Feb 24, 2010
Houston, Tx
Rating - 100%
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Review Guidelines

1. You cannot ask for or do reviews if you have less than 200 posts and at least 10 itraders.

- If you pay full price for a service, you are allowed to give FEEDBACK on the service, but you cannot take a discounted review copy or a free review copy unless you meet the requirements.

2. If you take a review and do not give a detailed report, or plan on doing a fake review and your outed there will be consequences, or if you take a review and do not provide the report within a reasonable amount of time there will be consequences.

3. If a provider is offering a free review, it is ok to ask for it, if they are not offering a review do not beg for one.

New Update 4-30-2011

For Providers: Read above, if you give a review to a member that does not meet the minimum requirements you will be banned as well.

Links & SEO Sample Review Format

Here is a sample template suggested by dchuk for the Links & SEO section reviews.

Overall Review:

Give a score of 1 to 5 and also a 2 to 3 sentence write up for each one.


This is a suggestion by jryan21 for the "content" section.

In the content section, when someone new starts a thread, respond to them with something like, '500 words on the mating habits of pterodactyls, post it in the thread when you're done.' Make the difficulty of the topic match their price.

This will:

- eliminate bullshit reviews
- allow them to demonstrate their research skills
- keep the beggars off the thread
- allow prospective customers to make their own judgment call

for links and other (verifiable)SEO work, they could do their work on makemoniesonline and have them post the report to their thread.

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You mean rule abiding members that create 4 fake accounts to bump his own BST and then give free reviews in exchange for more free bumps.

zingo knows.

Reviews from other forum removed.

Anyone that does this in future will get 10 days in the hole.
Fuck you without proof you got jack shit PUNK all you are doing is pissing in the wind because YOU got caught and reported.

Yeah, the two times ban you got in a month from Social Bookmarking AI BST bumpin circle jerk is not proof enough.
This industry is weird, people would trust their thousand dollar SEO campaigns to someone that uses the word "fagg*t".

I pity the new owner of AI.

WickedFire is simple: You shady, you get banned.

Sorry you got hurt, the weakest link break the fastest. Go back to watching anime and leave business to adults.

and FYI, I came here rather quickly because a customer Skype'd me about what you posted. (thanks, you know who you are)

Anyone that does this in future will get 10 days in the hole.

Thank you, it was an honest mistake.

Won't happen again.
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Guys no more b.s in this thread, I use these sticky's to take care of issues not listen to you guys going back and forth.

Send a p.m if you have issues with each other.
Rarely do I complain, but we have some people who grab review copies solely to get free links. I mean, it is okay to grab as many review copies as you can as long as you meet the requirements, but then you should also provide a proper review.

If you take a review, you should atleast tell properly what you found right / wrong.

This guy was among the first to grab a review for my service

He posted his review about 10 days after getting the report, only after I emailed / PMed him twice. That is still OK with me.

Then he posts a quick review and talks about one thing he did not like, but he won't divulge the problem to me. I asked him what's wrong (atleast tell me once), but he wouldn't reply.

Seems like his sole intention is to grab reviews and that's it.

What's the point of grabbing a review copy when you can't be of much (if any at all) use to the seller / buyers?

My point is:
If someone does not want to spend a few minutes to properly tell what was right and wrong about the service, then he / she should not claim the review.

I am just bringing this to your notice because there may be others doing this. I don't think he deserves a ban. Thanks for all the work you do zingo
Rarely do I complain, but we have some people who grab review copies solely to get free links. I mean, it is okay to grab as many review copies as you can as long as you meet the requirements, but then you should also provide a proper review.

If you take a review, you should atleast tell properly what you found right / wrong.

This guy was among the first to grab a review for my service

He posted his review about 10 days after getting the report, only after I emailed / PMed him twice. That is still OK with me.

Then he posts a quick review and talks about one thing he did not like, but he won't divulge the problem to me. I asked him what's wrong (atleast tell me once), but he wouldn't reply.

Seems like his sole intention is to grab reviews and that's it.

What's the point of grabbing a review copy when you can't be of much (if any at all) use to the seller / buyers?

My point is:
If someone does not want to spend a few minutes to properly tell what was right and wrong about the service, then he / she should not claim the review.

I am just bringing this to your notice because there may be others doing this. I don't think he deserves a ban. Thanks for all the work you do zingo

He is no longer allowed to take reviews copy's already spoke to him about this once he has lost his privilege and is banned for 7 days. If he does anymore reviews he will be gone.
I have my input and please in no way take offense to what I propose. As with any forum you have those which are nefarious and try to get things for free. Personally, from my point of view of Jacky8 the person who did that should have had a ban for good. Secondly, the qualifications for 200 posts and 10 Itraders is good, I agree with that, but what about a person such as myself which doesn't have the time to do 200 posts in a forum, (I have seo work to do and rank sites). So I am not going to go around in this forum and post bullshit; get into the drama of he said she said, and all this other crap where I can spend my time ranking websites. That is what this forum is primarily about, which I think is the best, BHW, TP, and others suck, but you can find decent stuff from time to time. So what about a person who buys over 2000 dollars worth of services in this forum? It can easily be proven through the sellers?

I think that those which are actually finding the deals to help others and themselves by being a proactive buyer of services should be able to have a "minor" say so. I am not saying I want review copies since I am a believer if you pay them decent money then they do a good job.

What would be the position on that as a buyer? Or those who have bought over a certain limit of services like 2K or 3K or 5K, what ever it needs to be, but seriously, I don't have the time to post 200 or 2000 posts. I have better things to do.

Most important, I am looking for quality services and not post count. I don't roll that way - ever.

Thanks for any cordial reply from admin or others.
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I think that those which are actually finding the deals to help others and themselves by being a proactive buyer of services should be able to have a "minor" say so. I am not saying I want review copies since I am a believer if you pay them decent money then they do a good job.
Say so in what? They already do if the seller's blatantly scamming. I'm not quite sure what your point is...
but what about a person such as myself which doesn't have the time to do 200 posts in a forum, (I have seo work to do and rank sites). So I am not going to go around in this forum and post bullshit; get into the drama of he said she said, and all this other crap where I can spend my time ranking websites.

With all due respect. I'm sure you are great SEO. But for me as for supplier here, I need reviews that can attract new clients. What's a point if I spent my free service on somebody with 29 posts and iTrader 4? Even registered in 2011. It will give me nothing, the visitors of my thread will say - "bullshit, fuck off these bots, give us serious reviewers". You see what I mean? Even if you supposedly are a better person and much better SEO than some spamer with 2000 posts who spends his life trolling in forums, your value for the purpose of reviews is less than his one. Plain and simple.

Share your knowledge in the forum, contribute, build your name, and then when people see your review they say: "wow, this is that super brain guy who wrote this and this and this threads, he is a guru, I don't mind he has only 100 posts, his review is valuable for me."
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