What to do to improve an aged site to sell it?

May 22, 2012
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I'm planning on selling my sites so here's the numbers..

I got around 6-8 sites on the diet niche. Some 80% are ranking on the 1st and second pages without any Top 1 position. I also got 5 domains for the workout niche. Again some 3/5 are in the 1st and second page of the target KW. Mostly artist workouts. Got 2 domains for Computer NIche as well.

Basically I want to get rid of all this sites by selling them. In bulk if possible, But of course I want to have profits. If I can do something that would kick the price of this site up maybe to $50-$100 "each" then it would be great! I will give you a commission! The age of these sites are 6 months to 2 years.

1. So what can I do to increase the sites value of these sites?
2. Where can I sell them? Obviously flippa but do you have other sources?
3. How Much? All of these sites have 1000 word article ordered and pictures. A minisite in short..
4. Traffic. I don't know :D I never actually bothered putting in Analytics on the site until I reach the Top 1 position but I didn't.. and I got another source so why bother with SEO when google is your boss...

1 site = 1 KW target. So what do you think? all feedback is appreciated.

Prove traffic - most Cpanels have a place that traks this.

Prove Income if any
That's the visits last month according to cpanel hostgator

Traffic details



No Income at all. I haven't bothered putting in affilaite links as well until I got to postion 1..

Yeah i know the traffic is small and I'm looking for ways to get the price tags of these sites higher.. first time selling and I need some ideas on how to properly get this up and sell for higher than pennies...
Trolling? You keep bumping this stupid thread!

Put adsense on it and try and sell it next month showing earnings. If no earnings than its not worh shit.
Buyers will base their decision either on:

1. Current revenue but they'll want proof. And, most buyers will want to see history for at least 6 months.

2. Current traffic. Again, with proof...from something reliable, like GetClicky or GA. Nobody cares about CPANEL stats that could be mostly spider or spam traffic.

3. "Potential". This is the grey area where you have to sell them on something the site could be, someday. For example, if it's on the second page for a highly searched term, that might be worth something. Or maybe it's an ecommerce site with low sales figures, but a killer relationship with a supplier with low prices that isn't known to others in the niche. Or maybe it's just a killer brandable domain name that worth $$ on it's own.

Given that you have little traffic and no revenue, you'll need to work your sales pitch for #3 and hope for a gullible buyer.
Trolling? You keep bumping this stupid thread!

Put adsense on it and try and sell it next month showing earnings. If no earnings than its not worh shit.
You can simply ignore this stupid thread man.

I'm asking cause I got lot's of shit sites here that I want to get out of my cpanel and make profits at the same time (If possible)...

Got 31 sites and looking at it when I access hostgator is giving me sore eyes that's why I'm looking for an answer to my question "what can i do to increase the price then I'm gonna sell it". I got some sites that is good but took time to build but I'm not gonna get them out only this few sites.

But anyways Thanks for your answer man!

Buyers will base their decision either on:

1. Current revenue but they'll want proof. And, most buyers will want to see history for at least 6 months.

2. Current traffic. Again, with proof...from something reliable, like GetClicky or GA. Nobody cares about CPANEL stats that could be mostly spider or spam traffic.

3. "Potential". This is the grey area where you have to sell them on something the site could be, someday. For example, if it's on the second page for a highly searched term, that might be worth something. Or maybe it's an ecommerce site with low sales figures, but a killer relationship with a supplier with low prices that isn't known to others in the niche. Or maybe it's just a killer brandable domain name that worth $$ on it's own.

Given that you have little traffic and no revenue, you'll need to work your sales pitch for #3 and hope for a gullible buyer.

So Easy to say this junk sites are not gonna sell if traffic and profits are the primary concerns of the site buyers... Sorry man I'm not into selling sites. My first time doing so and was thinking that the look an feel of the sites will make them sell...

some of these sites I just used for testing SEO stuff... 8 of this \sites that I want to get rid of have less than 1000 searches but good content. Around 5-6 sites are used for branding like using names and stuff that doesn't have any search results on google.

Basically I just used them for the testings claims after claims an different methods an techniques, SEnuke, scrapebox, AMR and stuff. I was thinking that I'll get rid of them while trying to make some cash. But I guess that's not an option to take. So anyways thanks for a thorough input man! I'll just call hostgator and ask them to get this sites off my server!
if your websites have original content/not copied then i suggest:

A) You to put adsense and clickbank products! because some kind of earning proof is necessary to market your website. As you website already getting traffic so just put ads and click bank product --->after a month or 40 days! make screenshot of income

B) search forum where there will be the section of website buy/sell ---> register to sell your website. + update or bump your listing with income proofs when you will have after a 40 days!

I'm sure you will get more than $50 or $100! good luck