1 month, $10,000 profit all ppc challenge

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New member
Feb 25, 2007
Like most I have a million awesome ideas, but I follow through on maybe 1% of them. So, I am going to motivate myself and show everyone how to make $10,000 profit in the process, (yep that means after expenses). The basic jist is I want to buy a brand new 4x4 atv so I can play in the mud and have some fun. I'll give myself one month using ppc on adwords, overture and msn adcenter. I have already picked out a merchant and am just putting a site together now. I will update this thread with my progress for a month.

IF something like this is against any rules or regulations, I won't do it, but I saw a really good arbi one on this forum, so I thought I'd do one too.


sounds cool, unless you are pulling a stunt like this asshat dan raine during his 15k challenge.

if that is gonna be the case, i will spent $500 to get your kneecaps smashed by some russian crackhead living right around your corner ;)
Like most I have a million awesome ideas, but I follow through on maybe 1% of them.


1,000,000 ideas
1% of 1,000,000 = 10,000

Geeez. I wish I could roughly work on 10,000 ideas like that ..... ;)

Will you be just doing Arbi or will you do other things like affiliate marketing via PPC, too?

Well, just finishing my site now, but I will say my target roi is 100%. That means I've got to spend $10k to make $20k and I keep $10k as profit. You have to spend money to make money. I should have this all up and running by tomorrow, so that will be my start date.

Well, just finishing my site now, but I will say my target roi is 100%. That means I've got to spend $10k to make $20k and I keep $10k as profit. You have to spend money to make money. I should have this all up and running by tomorrow, so that will be my start date.


Nice thread, looking forward to this.
Well, just finishing my site now, but I will say my target roi is 100%. That means I've got to spend $10k to make $20k and I keep $10k as profit. You have to spend money to make money. I should have this all up and running by tomorrow, so that will be my start date.


that's it? no info about the site, the market, the product?

sorry, but this is all too suspicious because this kind of linkbait has been pulled of before by the 15k-challenge, the 30k-challenge, the million dollar challenge and so on. all failed to deliver the actual details so it was nice fiction but nothing more.

so, i am willing to believe you, but you need to come up with something more convincing other than a post a day telling what you might have done or might have not done.
Yeah, are you planning on giving us the website, stats, performing kws, etc? If this is a learning tool for us (and you get to make $10,000), I want details.
2:1 is a phenomenal ROI in the "real world", in IM I would say it's the bare minimum you should accept.

Good luck, but you're going to need to give some details. Otherwise this thread reeks of CLingle wannabe.
2:1 is a phenomenal ROI in the "real world", in IM I would say it's the bare minimum you should accept.

People have made multi-billion dollar fortunes off of far less than 2:1 ROIs. Any positive ROI is acceptable as long as it's repeatable.
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