Oh Noes! The secret is out! (techcrunch article)

Techcrunch be bustin on the affiliate marketing balls lately. If only it was my job to out everything shady that goes on the net and report it like it was news...what a life!

Believe me, I tried to do honest optimization—running legitimate flower ads on Valentines Day, Walmart ads on Cyber Monday, auto insurance offers on car racing games, and so forth. For months, I went through over 150 offers across a dozen networks, systematically testing offers, ad copy, targeting, creative templates, and so forth. I couldn’t get a single one to work. And in a previous life I worked on Yahoo!’s internal analytics team—our job was to optimize traffic.
-"Dennis Yu"

If none of that brings good returns, facebook doesn't decrease their overall cpcs, and app developers don't sacrifice revenue for compliance I don't see how it will work another way. Big branding budgets push affiliate marketers out? Possible, for sure. Facebook advertising dept has to keep a board and investors happy, and I don't think either care about their degenerate user base who sign up for netflix or generic quiz offer because they want more farmville dollars or whatever the hell they are giving away their information for. It's just when they get bad press and ftc involvement does their compliance start to change, it's stated in the article.

I actually have respect for whoever is running Blitzlocal. But if you got millions for advertising shady stuff on facebook don't out it later in some technerd site like you are somehow a better person just because you came to terms that you did it before.

I generated millions of dollars from these offers on Facebook – I am not proud of it, but it was very lucrative.

It’s going to take a few years, but these legitimate advertisers will push out the scammers and Facebook will put more rules in place. Enforcement will tighten, but spammers are clever with shifting their entities, enough to make us all “dizzy”

AFAIK Denni's BlitzLocal is fucked. Now, well, he's sinking other ships before his own goes down.

"Hey hey hey watch it. Wasn't me!"
havn't visited wickedfire in months until i read that post, dennis yu needs a slap around the head. he's just desperate to become an e-celebrity
Nice reminder on what offers to use to make money from traffic that isn't buying and/or doesn't use CC's. Never gave those cell number offers a try before...guess I should.