Free Automated Arbitrage Script + Good CTR Template

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Senior Member
Oct 17, 2006
This is my first script for automating the creation of pages. I dont use it anymore and see no reason why I shouldnt give it out. It scrapes Wikipedia and for images. the template is basic but it works if the ads are targeted. I got anywhere from 30% ctr to 65% with it.

This is a GHETTO script in all ways but if you are new to php it should help you get started.

You will need to have a mysql DB to use it and the SQL to create the table is in the db.php file.

generate.php is the one for creating pages. put a rather generic word in for the images since it pulls from a stock photography site

if your keyword is "dodge caravan" type dodge caravan in for the keyword and "car" for the image keyword.

Name the first box, name or whatever should have dodge_caravan.

you will probably want to make the .htaccess file I include with this work.. I had all my files in the /a/ directory and its setup for that sooooo figure that out but basically its to redirect


Have at it.


I made a new version, just tested it..
All you have to do is edit the config.EDITME.php and rename it to config.php

Change htaccess to .htaccess

do the database stuff it tells you in config and you should be good to go.

Go here for the super version "Not For Newbs"


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its a php script, you can do whatever you want with it and use it on any template, the images have a light dashed border around them I think. I dont use that template or script anymore but give it a whack.. takes 5min to setup...
Oh, and make images/ writeable and the way the images work you click on 8 images it shows and they show up in the textbox.. you can paste whatever image locations you want in there and it resizes them and shiat
And don't you all fucking use this same template, make your own and tweak it so you dont have the same pages everyone else does. you can change the image sizes somewhere in the code for whatever your template looks like and you can use as many images as you want.
looks pretty cool lerchmo. +rep for the script and putting up a demo for a fucking free script.
Its not all one page... I took screenshots and pasted them together in photoshop if thats what you boxes around different pages.
Wow! Very cool lerchmo. Your so generous it motivated me to come out of the shadows to thank you. Thanks!

So, anyone know of a good cURL tutorial?
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