we are going to do a arbi test!

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Ooh, this would be great idea. It would definitely help people learn a lot about arbitrage. ill think about suggestions maybe later, i got to go do something now
I'm all for having hands-on lessons and everything, but I don't understand how all of this arbitrage business is such a difficult concept:

1. Load up 2nd or 3rd tier ppc search account with money.
2. Find a niche that has a decent pay per click, like 0.50 cents and up.
3. Find as many relevant keywords as you can.
4. Make a 1 to 5 page site with a little content here and there.
5. Place ads in a real easy and obvious position, rectangle ads work best.
6. Don't pay much more than 10 cents for your keywords ( or as Jon said in his blog shoot for no more than 6 cents...)
7. Start your campaign.
8. Watch your stats. Make sure you are making more than you spend.
9. Just use a template over a few times, make a new one occasionally. Use the same generic domain with subdomains or directories.
10. Adjust. Rinse. Repeat. Improve.

If you don't wanna listen to me, than take it from the man himself:
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Okay, I would like to learn more about keyword selection and ad writing. So yeah go for it man. :)
So why are you acting like an asshole now.
DruSam Had legit post because your original post was cyrpic and didnt outline what you told him later. DruSam was just offering up info now instead of having people wait so they can get started sooner rather than later. Do what us to all kiss your ass now that you are doing this test. Try acting more mature next time.
chrislingle - How possible would it be to see a link of this site? I want to see what sites like this look like, the ones that work that is.
dxearner- are you refering to "good, now are there any other worseless mofo's in wickedfire land interested?" if you were I am sorry, I was just being silly if you took it wrong well again sorry!
metallic- the site is going to be built just for this! you will have input and can ask your questions and hopefully the people that have knowledge will be able to help you! I am really just using my $ hosting etc for this.

everything will be posted here for you to see, that is the page(s), ad(s), keywords(s) etc.
I'm also interested in the site and stats so keep us updated.

I recently tried to do some arbi with Overture (Yahoo PPC) program but they rejected my site having to little content... although I had 3 pages with some good content.
chrislingle said:
dxearner- are you refering to "good, now are there any other worseless mofo's in wickedfire land interested?" if you were I am sorry, I was just being silly if you took it wrong well again sorry!
If you didn't edit your posts, I'm guessing he mistook the "worseless mofo's" for a bad thing, while it's actually a cool thing in the WickedFire Land ;)

Anyway, yeah, good idea & rep++ for the initiative, this could turn into a valuable thread.

I edited your first post to make it more readable - paragraphs > one big lump of text
L146705 said:
what is arbi? I have never heard of it just done a search on google couldn't find anything.

Yeah go for it, you have nothing to lose.
he means "ppc arbitrage" or "click arbitrage"... mill done gone off 'n coined another wickedfire term "arbi" to confuse the fuck out of everybody.
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