Considering I'm one of the mindless newbies that have no idea how wicked fire works other then, you stick your balls into a post and hope they don't get rapt by the gorillas of the forum. After reading a lot of threads here I have seen that if you don't provide good advice, advice that will actually help people make more for themselves, oh.... you get shitted on
So... I'm sticking my balls out there in this post, hopefully the information helps you make some more money.
For the past three years my life consisted of creating membership sites, you know those sites that charge $5 - $50/M per member. You fill these memberships up and make a nice recurring income. Well what I would do is just that, and then run them for a month, make $5,000 on the first month, but then sell the entire membership at the end of the month for 7-10 times it's worth. With registared members and everything...
Step 1) Realization of Content
First, membership sites are very easy to run if you can keep your members happy, and that is providing more and more value, however keep in mind, the way I run things is, I only have to keep them happy for 30 days, and then they are out of my hair. To keep them happy you have to provide content.
This content you are going to provide is on your niche... obviously. So now the real question is what the niche is going to be and what content it will be made of.
The realization is, anything can be turned into a membership. Go buy one of those ridiculous ebooks split each chapter into a new month, and get material to include.
Let us pick a random niche... ummm.. let's say Scuba Diving, so what you would do is find 10 videos on scuba diving, 20 articles, 1 guide book to scuba diving, and create a forum for members. Boom you have a membership. Now you can charge $9.95/Month for members, and place a limit on the membership to 1000 to make it seem exclusive. Brand a cutsie name like The Scuba Diving Sharks.
OK now you are marketing a membership that contains, every month.
1) 10 videos
2) 20 Articles
3) 1 Guide
4) Constant Forum
Also when you get a sign up, send them a laminated Membership Card in the mail, it makes them feel specail for signing up.
Also sell t-shirts, hats, etc. In your membership with your domain on it.
Ok above, I kind of just spoke about content and what you can offer, but all that is shit without getting any members to sign up
Getting people to the membership is not as difficult as a lot of people think.
Google Adwords actually works quite well in these niched areas. It doesn't work for ebooks and gay ass programs, but these memberships usually get a 1 out of 33 conversion.
Joint Venture Partners are what I use to fill these memberships out. I simply, find competitiors and set up a co-op JV together. I give him 50% of the revenue on the first month, and then 30% on the second month, but I'm usually not running it anymore by then second month.
To get a Joint Venture Partner you really need to go behind the scenes and look to see his marketing strategy and see if your membership fits well into it. When approaching them, if you talk about how it fits with their marketing strategy and basically kiss some major ass about their strategies you shouldn't ahve much of a problem.
Once you get a Joint Venture, set a date and launch... Fill up your membership send them their laminated cards and count some dollars, but don't finish counting yet.
Let us assume that your 1,000 mark did not come through and only filled 300 people at $9.95 , which is $3,000/M minus the $1500 to the JV partner.
Well your site is still makeing a recurring income of $3,000
Now you go to sitepoint.com or hire a business broker. You sell your site making a monthly revenue of $3,000/M, already valued at a Buy it now price of $20,000.
However, if you provide the next set of videos,articles, etc. for maybe two more months, the price raises to $25,000 at least.
Sell the site, adn start counting some more...
So now your one membership site made you around $25,000 in revenue for one month's work. What you do now is do it all over again.
Now you don't always have to sell, I own four memberships still bringing in $30,000/M for me, but what I did was hire a membership manager. Once the site was making $6,000/M, I pay a guy $2500/M to watch and run it for me....
So now I bank every month doing nothing for those sites....
It all is in the matter of what you want to do with it.
I know this isn't the most detailed guide in the world, but if you ask me a question below I will answer it to the best of my knowledge, hopefully this helps you...
Also, building a membership site is not that hard, it can be done easily with free stuff like Joomla or wordpress, but there are great scripts out there to run a membership site as well.
Considering I'm one of the mindless newbies that have no idea how wicked fire works other then, you stick your balls into a post and hope they don't get rapt by the gorillas of the forum. After reading a lot of threads here I have seen that if you don't provide good advice, advice that will actually help people make more for themselves, oh.... you get shitted on
So... I'm sticking my balls out there in this post, hopefully the information helps you make some more money.
For the past three years my life consisted of creating membership sites, you know those sites that charge $5 - $50/M per member. You fill these memberships up and make a nice recurring income. Well what I would do is just that, and then run them for a month, make $5,000 on the first month, but then sell the entire membership at the end of the month for 7-10 times it's worth. With registared members and everything...
Step 1) Realization of Content
First, membership sites are very easy to run if you can keep your members happy, and that is providing more and more value, however keep in mind, the way I run things is, I only have to keep them happy for 30 days, and then they are out of my hair. To keep them happy you have to provide content.
This content you are going to provide is on your niche... obviously. So now the real question is what the niche is going to be and what content it will be made of.
The realization is, anything can be turned into a membership. Go buy one of those ridiculous ebooks split each chapter into a new month, and get material to include.
Let us pick a random niche... ummm.. let's say Scuba Diving, so what you would do is find 10 videos on scuba diving, 20 articles, 1 guide book to scuba diving, and create a forum for members. Boom you have a membership. Now you can charge $9.95/Month for members, and place a limit on the membership to 1000 to make it seem exclusive. Brand a cutsie name like The Scuba Diving Sharks.
OK now you are marketing a membership that contains, every month.
1) 10 videos
2) 20 Articles
3) 1 Guide
4) Constant Forum
Also when you get a sign up, send them a laminated Membership Card in the mail, it makes them feel specail for signing up.
Also sell t-shirts, hats, etc. In your membership with your domain on it.
Ok above, I kind of just spoke about content and what you can offer, but all that is shit without getting any members to sign up
Getting people to the membership is not as difficult as a lot of people think.
Google Adwords actually works quite well in these niched areas. It doesn't work for ebooks and gay ass programs, but these memberships usually get a 1 out of 33 conversion.
Joint Venture Partners are what I use to fill these memberships out. I simply, find competitiors and set up a co-op JV together. I give him 50% of the revenue on the first month, and then 30% on the second month, but I'm usually not running it anymore by then second month.
To get a Joint Venture Partner you really need to go behind the scenes and look to see his marketing strategy and see if your membership fits well into it. When approaching them, if you talk about how it fits with their marketing strategy and basically kiss some major ass about their strategies you shouldn't ahve much of a problem.
Once you get a Joint Venture, set a date and launch... Fill up your membership send them their laminated cards and count some dollars, but don't finish counting yet.
Let us assume that your 1,000 mark did not come through and only filled 300 people at $9.95 , which is $3,000/M minus the $1500 to the JV partner.
Well your site is still makeing a recurring income of $3,000
Now you go to sitepoint.com or hire a business broker. You sell your site making a monthly revenue of $3,000/M, already valued at a Buy it now price of $20,000.
However, if you provide the next set of videos,articles, etc. for maybe two more months, the price raises to $25,000 at least.
Sell the site, adn start counting some more...
So now your one membership site made you around $25,000 in revenue for one month's work. What you do now is do it all over again.
Now you don't always have to sell, I own four memberships still bringing in $30,000/M for me, but what I did was hire a membership manager. Once the site was making $6,000/M, I pay a guy $2500/M to watch and run it for me....
So now I bank every month doing nothing for those sites....
It all is in the matter of what you want to do with it.
I know this isn't the most detailed guide in the world, but if you ask me a question below I will answer it to the best of my knowledge, hopefully this helps you...
Also, building a membership site is not that hard, it can be done easily with free stuff like Joomla or wordpress, but there are great scripts out there to run a membership site as well.